Friday, January 11, 2013

I Passed The Test

Back in November I was asked if I would mentor a new woman who was exploring joining my prayer group.  My immediate response was no.  I'd been down this road before and felt like a complete failure.  Trying to help new members get plugged in, get grounded in their faith, find the support they need, this is not my sort of gift.  Give me a woman who's been around for a while and is committed already to living the Christian life and I'm fine with that.

Yet, I found myself not saying no.  My mouth was open to say no, but what came out was, "I will pray about it and tell you tomorrow."  Huh?  Blast this 52 Weeks of New thing.

I went home and prayed about it.  Of course I felt very strongly that God was telling me to say yes.  So I did.  I planned to call up this woman and set up a time to meet, but decided to wait until after the holidays.  My life was crazy busy with Disney, Christmas and New Years.  I finally got around to emailing her on Tuesday to set up a time to meet.  Not an hour later I got an email from the person who asked me to mentor her letting me know that this woman had decided to stop exploring our group because her life was too busy to attend the meetings, small groups, and other events.

A big part of me was relieved.  I no longer had to do this hard thing that I didn't really want to do.  Another part of me was asking, "But why did God want me to say yes if it wasn't even going to work out?"

Sometimes the important lesson isn't doing the hard thing--it's being willing and saying yes.

Apparently this time around God wasn't really asking me to mentor anyone, He was more interested in my willingness.  Even though I won't be mentoring the woman after all, I still passed the test.

Week 20 in the series of 52 Weeks of New

Week 18--Having too much Christmas fun to blog
Week 19--A Week of Firsts

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