Saturday, October 20, 2012

While Cleaning Out My Basement...A Few Hilarious Finds

I started reading a review copy of the ebook 21 Days to a More Disciplined Life.  While I'm only supposed to read it, I of course couldn't do that.  I had to actually start applying some of this stuff to my own life.  Day 1 had me pick one project to work on for the next 21 days.  I instantly thought of the only project in my house that I have been putting off, dragging my heals, hoping it would just go away.  My basement storage room.

Some of those boxes have been sitting on a shelf unopened for over ten years.  Full of things from my girlhood, teenhood, and collegehood.  And I found a few of those gems today when I started tackling the dungeon.  At one point I laughed so hard that I thought I was going to make myself sick from all the coughing.  (Note to self: Do not laugh super hard when you are still getting over an upper respiratory infection)

These gems were just too good not to share.

First up--Books.  Did my mom even know that I was reading such drivel???  I tried to convince Hubby that I should save these books and make them required reading for my girls.  He didn't go for it.

Sadly, this book is serious.  It's not a spoof.  I found this at a church rummage
sale when I was in high school and thought it was hilarious.

For the record, I married a younger man, so I guess the book didn't "stick."

Second--Old cards.  I found these tucked in between a few of the books in the box.  Innocent looking cards that left me puzzling which boy they were from.  My mind raced through the possibilities and I admit that when I did finally open them, that's when I laughed so hard I almost made myself sick.  While the notes were sweet, they were from a boy I worked with at A&W Restaurant back in high school.  He was a blip in my life that I had completely forgotten about until reading these cards.  I think the best part is card 1 after realizing it was a Sweetest Day card and today is Sweetest Day--15 years later.  (All cards have since been shredded and thrown away)

Find #3--Old things from when Hubby and I were engaged.  I think the most important part to note from these is the warning at the bottom of the "Dinner Date" coupon.  From things Hubby has said over the years, I think this warning was actually necessary.  I wasn't the greatest cook back then.

Finally, a picture of what I have to deal with.  A very large, overwhelming project that I am tackling one box at a time, a little bit each day for the next 21 days.  Hopefully it'll be all done by then.

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