Thursday, August 30, 2012

22 Pounds of Ground Beef...

This is my tip for the day.  When you find a great deal on something, buy lots.

I was looking through the circulars on Sunday and glanced at the one for Gordon Food Service.  They had ground beef on sale for $1.89!  The cheapest I've seen in a while in the stores is around $2.50, and that's for the clearance meat.  Of course I had to go and buy my own ten pound tube of it.  I came home and threw it in the fridge to be parceled into one pound quantities later.

Yesterday I did my normal grocery shopping and by habit checked the meat coolers for clearanced meat deals.  I saw packages of ground beef marked down to $2.04.  I thought about the ten pounds of meat I had in my fridge.  I hemmed and hawed.  And then I decided ten pounds just wasn't enough.  Whenever I find beef around $2.00 a pound, I have to stock up.  Besides, I had run completely out of ground beef and needed to restock.  My freezer may already be busting at the seams, I may have no idea how I am going to fit all that new meat in, but the price was rock bottom and I needed it, so I bought twelve more pounds.

I brought the meat home and got to work dividing it up into one pound quantities to be used later.  My freezer may be stuffed to capacity.  It may look like a lot of meat in one place.  But it saves the food budget a lot of money in the long run.  Twenty-two meals have been provided for at a rock bottom price.

My Hubby has been saved from having to eat ground turkey (not his favorite) for those times when I can't find ground beef for cheap.  This past spring when we ran out of our stock-up of beef, I just didn't serve beef for a while (probably a month) until Hubby one day asked me very kindly if I would please just spend the extra $1.50 a pound and buy some beef.  It hurt, but I bought it anyway.

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