Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lessons in Obedience

A week ago I felt God leading me to do a modified Daniel Fast while praying intentionally for my husband.  I had a few things on my list of things to pray for at the time , but nothing major.

The next day during my prayer time, I prayed specifically that I would grow even more in trusting God no matter what.  Two hours later Hubby called me from work saying that he needed to talk to me about something but it would have to wait until he was home for lunch.  I asked if it was about work.  He said yes.  I asked if it was good or bad news.  He said it wasn't terrible.  I asked if he was being fired or getting a pay cut.  He said no.  We left it with that.

I hung up the phone and immediately started worrying--was he in trouble?  Was he being asked to transfer somewhere that would require a move?  The list went on.  Mid worry, I stopped myself.  I had JUST prayed to grow in trust.  I knew this was a test.  I immediately prayed telling God that I trusted him.  No matter what it was about, He would get us through it and we would be fine.  Then I let it go and moved on with my morning.

Hubby was just being a stinker.  It was GOOD news.  He was asked to interview for a different position within his company doing work that he likes a lot better than his current job of computer coding.  He found out yesterday that he got the position and will start at the end of April after he finishes up his current project.

I'm pretty sure that Hubby would have been offered the job transfer whether I had obeyed God or not, but the timing of it all was faith building.  Sometimes we pray and don't see immediate results.  While the job transfer did happen, one of the things I was praying about has not.  But I know that God heard my prayers and will answer them in His time, not mine.  Jeremiah 29:12-13 promises: "Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

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